Have not done a lot, needed a break from mowing and gardening.
Last Thursday had to go to the skin cancer clinic for a checkup, the doctor found nothing. Put the last scene from kit 8 on the golliwog quilt. It took me 3 months to do this one. Will work more on this quilt, had planned to have it finished within a year when I started, but how can plans work out differently.
Queensland is in election mode not for the State government or federal but local councils. We will be going to Logan City Council and the division were I live, needs a new councillor. One of my neighbours is running for council. Only thing I cannot vote, still not naturalised, maybe in future.
Here in Australia we have more politicians then anywhere else. Too much government. There is Federal, State and local government.
The system they use, is so complicated, have problems to understand it. It is district representation. You have first, second, third etc etc choice. You have to number every person on the ballotpaper.
The votes are sorted first on the first choice. Then they start looking at the second choice. So someone, people are voting for and is in second place can still win because he get then second choice. So it goes with all the votes till they have a winner.
This is doing the rounds at the moment with those forward emails. Don't you love them!!!!!!!!!
This is factual !!!!
have been accused of spousal abuse
have been arrested for fraud
have been accused of writing bad cheques
have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
have done time for assault
cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
have been arrested on drug-related charges
have been arrested for shoplifting
are defendants in lawsuits and
have been arrested for drunk driving
the last year
Can you guess which organization this is? AFL? NRL?
Give up yet? . . .
Scroll down
it's the 535 members of the AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENT IN CANBERRA
The same group of Idiots that crank out hundreds of new laws each year, designed to keep the rest of us in line.