Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Cherries jam

On Friday had done my shopping and also been to the greengrocer. He had boxes of cherries for sale and I bought a box. When I was home, I thought what I am going to do with all these cherries. Can make jam out of it. Well on Saturday I started. What a lot of work, specially if you want to have jam without stones. It took nearly all day. Next time I will buy a jar or tin of cherriejam much easier. However I must say the one I made taste far better and is not that sweet as the factory made one.

On Sunday we had a lot of rain and I had a swimming pool in the back, carport and driveway. Everything is overflowing, the gutters, the water tanks.

As soon as the rain stopped within a couple of hours the water was gone. That was on my place. It was different in Nth Maclean, where I live. The road to the highway was blocked with water.

Monday I went out to buy some bricks so I can get the carport poles bricked in.
Had a run around and was send everywhere. The first two places they could not help me. The third place I was luckier and bought bricks. Today they were delivered. Went on my slippers to the front and they were soaked. The drive was 4 inches under water. Told the driver not to come inside with the truck. He had a forklift with him and brought the bricks with that in. Yesterday I had been mowing but could forget about it for today . The property was covered with water. Looked outside just before it became dark and the water was already gone.

A couple of days ago I saw my lodger again.

It is sitting in the corner of the carport. There is a chance when the poles are bricked in that they cannot get anymore in the ceiling.

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