Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Brickwork 2

The Bricklayer came back on Saterday morning 6am. Was this time already awake and he started with work. At 8 am the concrete cutter and his son as offsider came and started cutting the concrete.

Had already with help from the bricklayer pulled down one of the downpourpipes, ran to a neighbour Bob. He is a retired plumber (his son is my plumber). He came and we pulled the other pipe also down. He gave me a list of what to buy and when the concrete cutter was finished and the bricklayer also gone, I went to Browns Plains, to Reece a plumbing supply shop and bought what I needed.

Bob came and he put the pipes back up but now more outside the house so it is not interfering with the brickwork.

On Sunday, Brian came. Had during the week send an email to the president of a fotografic club and asked, if there was someone interested in some black and white development equipment and Brian had answered my email. He came to pick up the equipment. It has now a home where it will be used. It was still too good to be thrown out.
Mondaymorning the bricklayer came again and this time he finished the job.

It was about 9.30am when he left and it started to rain. He was in time finished and it looks good.

At about 11am I went to the Transport Department to transfer the registration from the trailer, which I had sold to the new owner and our car in my name. What a hassle.
Had to fill in a form and then wait for half an hour. When I was called it took about half an hour and they wanted me to pay for the transfer while I did not have to pay because it was from two names in one name.
The trailer could not be done because they wanted to see the drivers licence from the new owner. They made all the paperwork in order and I gave it to my neighbours because her brother had bought it.

Tuesday I had a bit of a rest. Worked in the garden, did some weeding and put mulch on it. Hope that I will have no weed coming up there anymore.

Have done some knitting. A couple of weeks ago I joined a knitting yahoogroup and downloaded the pattern. Here are some of them.

Have also knitted a lovely mouse Lodewijk, which I found on another blog.

There is another mouse Carolus. This one is in two languages, Dutch and English. Lodewijk will come later on in English.


Anonymous said...

hai Rens, ik heb je getagged, op mijn weblog kan je hier meer over lezen (soort vragenlijstje), niks verplicht.
mooi brickwork, lijkt wel een quiltje ;-)
groetjes, Shirley

Anonymous said...

I still maintain it looks like a rat! Nice work on the house mum, I'm gonna have to come home sometime soon to see the new place :-)

Anonymous said...

How much fun, that my Lodewijk made it all the way to the other end of the world. This week I finished the translation into english of the pattern. It is available on my web-log.