Monday, February 25, 2008


It is already a week ago that I have been writing something. Not a lot has happened during the week. It was not so hot and cloudy weather, which is perfect for doing a bit of work outside. Did quite a bit of mowing. There was still a lot of grass which came to my ankles. Afterwards you have to scrape the grass together.

Did some weed spraying and you can see now that it is dying. Will wait a bitlonger and do then what i have missed. The weather for the coming week is forecast with rain will have to wait till it is dry.

Friday evening(6pm) I picked up DD from the bus station and took the long way home. There are now roadworks at the short way and it takes 4 a 5 traffic changes to get through the traffic lights at Park Ridge in the afternoon because of peak hour.

Saturday was very, very hot and luckily I was in the morning in the library and in the afternoon I was home with the aircon on, had a look at the thermometer and it was here at my place 38 C.

Have been knitting a bit this week and finished from the Knitalong up to pattern 10.

The weather today was perfect for burning, no wind and a bit of rain, to start the fire I have used kerosene.
The dutch readers will think: What!!!!!!!!! Is she now crazy!!!!!!!
Well take it easy, it is here fuel for lamps. I know in the Netherlands the fuel you use in plains is called kerosene.
The big fire was finished about an hour and half later a couple of big boulders were
still smouldering. Checked regular during the day and before I go to bed check another time to see that everything is OK.

Received last week a new magazine called holland-focus. Had a look at the website and found out that there are yearly 60000 Dutch people are coming to Australia with holiday and 3000 on a working holiday.
Also found there an article from Frans Hertogh called Kiwikorrels. It is very amusing. By the way most articles are in english.

1 comment:

Agapequilt said...

Thank you for your visit