Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Cleaning the yard

Next week the council will start collecting big rubbish in our area.
Have quit a bit of rubbish to throw out. There has not been a cleaning out since we live here(23 years). We have been hoarding all this time. Started early at 8.45 am this morning and worked till 10. Had a coffee, after this made the bed, did the dish washing and dusting the floor. Housework done.
At around 11am I had a visitor and have been talking with him for about half an hour, rang my friend and she came over. We had some lunch (pizza) and back to cleaning out the yard. We brought about 15 sheets of corrugated iron to the road and made 2 nice piles. Old rusty bins, used fence wires. With all this exercise we were quit warm. After finishing, another cuppa was welcome. Looked outside and the vultures were there already and looking over the piles of rubbish on the roadside.
Had a good look and saw it was my neighbour, if I had any idea that he wanted this, I would have asked him to come and collect it. This would have saved us a lot of energy. Ah well, we needed the exercise and had a good time. My muscles are getting less sore, get used to the physical work.
Got a phone call that Alice's quilt is finished and I can pick it up. Will get it tomorrow.

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