Friday, June 22, 2007


We have wildlife living in our house. A possum. She is living in the rafters from the carport during the daytime. From time to time we see her as she is moving around.
Here she is climbing on her bed.

Our boarder watching what I am doing

Sleeping between the rolls with her paws in the air.

Possums sleep during the day and feed themselves at nighttime. We have an orange tree and the possum helps itself to it. Found the empty peeling in the garden.

During day we see birds, am feeding them. Specially in wintertime they can use a helping hand. Here you can see a couple.

This week I have been burning some wood and start again collecting more branches.
Sawing fallen trees in short pieces so it can be burned. There are already all over the yard a lot of branches in piles and are now bringing to the place where they can be burned.

Here is my burning earlier this week. Nice fire.

And another picture of the burning. Have to watch that it cannot cause a bushfire.

Like make a fire. My neighbour saw me burning and said he should also start, but his pile is still there.

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